Monday, October 8, 2012


You are under arrest (arrested are innocent or maybe guilty – poor one),

Hold-Up(why people don’t look for a job and work for his money – I pity them),

Let’s break Up(boys/girls unworthy reason – tell the truth) ,

I’m Pregnant(unwanted pregnancy – why did they do it if it’s really unwanted?),

Idiot(I didn’t mean it – I just know how it feels to be, but don’t want to be)

Ugly(everyone has different features – Oh look at the mirror first)

I want it, I want that (people lots of complaints and want everything even if their parents can’t afford it- be patient, everything has a perfect time – maybe tomorrow is yours)

I loose/looser (it’s hard and very sad to hear it, encourage him/her– there would be no winner without a looser, so don’t lose hope, just make it as a lesson to improve more and be a better person),

I need money (people don’t know how hard to earn it – how much do you have,give it back first to our Lord and I assure you He will give it back to you overflowing siksik-liglig at umaapaw,

I’m lost(of course your not – for Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life no one cometh unto the father but by me” there is always a way to come back home),
and lots of bad words (you already know it).

People around the world have different complaints, different problems, different needs, different wants, and full of complaints. Don’t we know how great we are to live every day? But what people see was anger, hatred and anguish. Why don't we just see how beautiful life is, and learn to appreciate it.

YES! Appreciate is the key. Its a one word that if we hear could make us feel great and appreciated. We are more inspired to do good things and we are able to see more beautiful things around us.

I really appreciate your time reading this. I hope you've been bless.
Please help me improve my writings.
Thank You and God Bless

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